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Revision 2 as of 2013-09-03 02:29:13
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Editor: khellman
Revision 3 as of 2013-09-03 02:32:55
Size: 2195
Editor: khellman
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= Working Together in ''Computer Simulation'' = = Working Together in Computer Simulation =

Working Together in Computer Simulation

For all graded work

in Computer Simulation the following Collaboration Policy applies; it is essentially the collaboration policy for all CSCI courses in the EECS department.

  1. If the project is an individual effort project,1 you are not allowed to give code you have developed to another student or use code provided by another student.

    If the project is a group project, you are only allowed to share code with your group members.

  2. You are encouraged to discuss programming projects with other students in the class,

    as long as the following rules are followed:

    1. You view another student's code only for the purpose of offering/receiving debugging assistance. Students can only give advice on what problems to look for; they cannot debug your code for you. All changes to your code must be made by you.

    2. Your discussion is subject to the empty hands policy

      , which means you leave the discussion without any record

      [electronic, mechanical or otherwise] of the discussion.

  3. Any material from any outside source such as books, projects, and in particular, from the Web, should be properly referenced and should only be used if specifically allowed for the assignment.
  4. If you are aware of students violating this policy, you are encouraged to inform the professor of the course. Violating this policy will be treated as an academic misconduct for all students involved. See the Student Handbook for details on academic dishonesty.

Violations of this policy result in one of a range of punitive measures, from a zero score for an assignment, up to and including a course letter grade drop for all students involved.

All issues of misconduct are reported to the Dean of Students.

Academic misconduct associated with an exam grade will likely result in course failure.

  1. Unless otherwise specified in writing, all Computer Simulation labs and assignments are to be individual efforts (1)

CollabPolicy (last edited 2018-08-20 17:03:11 by khellman)