1. The grader tarball is not yet available, but it will be soon. If there are changes to this write-up they will just be clarifications; nothing substantial will change.

  2. Here is the change log for this assignment write-up. I will try to be descriptive in my log messages.

  3. You can also subscribe to this page and receive Emails when changes are made.

In this assignment will you will construct some core portions of a scanner and demonstrate your implementation's correctness. The name of your application must be NFAMATCH (case sensitive).


NFAMATCH will accept two or more arguments:




Path to the NFA definition file


Path to the optimized DFA transition table output file

3, 4, $\ldots$

Tokens to test for matching against the NFA

NFAMATCH should:

  1. read the NFA definition file,
  2. convert the NFA to a DFA,
  3. optimize the DFA (including dead state and unreachable state pruning),
  4. output the optimized DFA transition table ($T$) to the path name of the command line second argument.
  5. and finally test the remaining tokens on the command line to determine if they are an element of the DFA's regular set

    If a token is part of the DFA's regular set, your NFAMATCH should emit an (:M:), otherwise NFAMATCH should emit the first character position ($1,2,3,\ldots$, not an index!) that fails the DFA. If the token is not long enough to match the DFA, emit one more than the length of the token. If the token is an empty string which does not match the DFA, then a 0 should be emitted. These last few "special cases" are consistent with reporting the character position of match failure.

NFA Definition File

An NFA definition file is line oriented, all fields are white space delimited. The first line contains three or more fields:





Number of states in the NFA

Simple decimal positive integer


$\lambda$ character

The special character representing a $\lambda$ transition in file


NFA alphabet $\Sigma$

Whitespace separated simple printable ASCII characters in ascending ASCII order

The order of characters in the alphabet's definition is important. Your optimized DFA's transition table must use the same ordering for its columns!

Subsequent lines represent transitions between two states; these lines contain 3 or more fields. State $0$ is implicitely the starting state.





Normal (-) or accepting state + flag for the From field

Simple decimal non-negative integer


From state id

Simple decimal non-negative integer


To state id

Simple decimal non-negative integer


White space delimited transition characters from $\Sigma$ or the $\lambda$ character for this NFA

There is only one transition line permitted between any two states. Empty lines in an NFA definition file should be ignored, there is no commentary symbols or syntax. All transition lines must have at least 3 fields.

Your code is not expected to detect flaws or inconsistencies in an NFA definition file. Your code should abort with an exit status of 1 if an NFA file cannot be opened or is devoid of data (all lines are empty lines). Otherwise you may assume the NFA file is good to go.

NFA Definition Example

If we let P be $\Pi=\Sigma - \{ / \ast \}$, then this is an NFA definition file for the C/C++ block comment RE RE we've discussed in lecture:

13 # * / P
- 0 1 /
- 1 2 *
- 2 3 #
- 2 5 #
- 2 7 #
- 2 10 #
- 3 4 /
- 4 10 #
- 5 6 P
- 6 10 #
- 7 8 *
- 8 8 *
- 8 9 P
- 9 10 #
- 10 2 #
- 10 11 *
- 11 11 *
- 11 12 /
+ 12 12

C/C++ block comment


A token will be a sequence of non-whitespace containing characters from the NFA's alphabet ($\Sigma$). All the characters of a token must be matched in order for it to be considered a successful match against the DFA.


You will report the following values from your application NFAMATCH on the process stdout (in this order, and according to the course submission requirements):

  1. The match results (non-negative integers) for command line provided arguments 3, 4, $\ldots$

An example of a successful run of your NFAMATCH might look like this at a Linux console (the … represents arbitrary console messages that will be ignored by the grader script):

$ ls
NFAMATCH  cblock.nfa
$ ./NFAMATCH cblock.nfa _ttable.dat  '/*PPPPPP*/'  '*/**/'  ""  '/*******/'  '/*P/*/'  '/*PP'
$ cat _ttable.dat
- 0 E 1 E
- 1 2 E E
- 2 3 2 2
- 3 3 4 2
+ 4 E E E

The match results could also be written on one line:

OUTPUT :M: 1 0 :M: :M: 5

(And merely for completeness sake)

C/C++ block optimized


Data file tarballs of this C/C++ block comment (group question) and other examples (three underscored identifiers, floating points) that have been part of previous LGAs and we may have discussed in lecture are available.


I am providing to students the same tarball the grader will use for testing your NFAMATCH. is how to use it (a video is posted here):

First, download this tarball to your Mines Linux account ("alamode" machines!) and unroll it in a temporary directory.

$ ls nfamatch-student.*
$ mkdir ~/tmp
$ cd ~/tmp
$ tar xjf ../nfamatch-student.tar.bz2
$ ls

Second, set the COMPGRADING environmental variable with:

$ source ~khellman/COMPGRADING/setup.sh ~khellman/COMPGRADING

Now go to the directory holding your NFAMATCH and execute the grader.sh script from the nfamatch-student.tar.bz2 resource.

$ cd ~/compilers/nfaMatch
$ ~/tmp/nfamatch/grader.sh

You will need to read any messages from the script carefully, and hit ENTER several times throughout its course. This script checks for:

  1. missing data files
  2. truncated data files
  3. and the difference between your NFAMATCH results and expected results.

The latter test results are displayed on the terminal screen, but they whip by pretty quickly so you may need to scroll up and make sure you see them all.

When there is a discrepancy in expected results the script either:

Before the grader.sh terminates, it will show a summary of some specific rubric line results for the programming project.

The grader will use this very same script, along with some additional testing data to check your submitted work. If your NFAMATCH flies through without a hitch, you can likely suspect a good grade for the assignment.

In the nfamatch-student.tar.bz2 tarball are also PDFs of initial .nfa files as well as their optimized DFAs, I find these much easier to "visualize" than the textual .nfa input files or the transition table output files. You might like them as well.

Submit Your Work


You may complete this assignment in a group of two or three other students from the course (you may also work solo if you choose). Exams may have questions specific to course programming assignments — so be sure your group is truly working as a team and have a solid understanding of your submission's design and algorithms.

If you decide to complete this assignment as a group, you must tell your instructor one week before the assignment due date. Only one of you should submit the assignment for grading. You will all be able to see the grading result from your own logins.

Checking and Submitting Your Work

Here are some things to double check your submission against:

  1. Your archive does not raise errors when "unrolling" with the ${COMPGRADING}/explode-subm script.

    tmpdir@alamode $ source ~khellman/COMPGRADING/setup.sh ~khellman/COMPGRADING
    tmpdir@alamode $ ls
    tmpdir@alamode $ ${COMPGRADING}/explode-subm -P PROGRAM my-program.tar.bz2 ./here

    (Where PROGRAM is the required application name for this assignment.)

  2. Your archive contains only the essential files, don't provide unneeded files

  3. Don't provide files that have been provided to you (such as cblock.nfa); that would just be silly.

  4. Make sure the grader.sh script for the assignment runs to completion.

When you are happy with your work, log into the course website and submit your project archive file for grading.


This work is worth 60 points.




Meets compilers course project requirements


Exit status of 1 when NFA definition file not found


Exit status of 1 if NFA definition does not contain data


DFAs pruned of dead states


DFAs pruned of unreachable states


DFAs optimized to minimal number of nodes


Token matching


Assignments/NFAMATCH (last edited 2024-05-31 14:03:40 by anonymous)